Swim for Africa began in 2010 as a one time fundraiser to support children in Athi River, Kenya. It is called, "Swim for Africa" because the fundraiser was a 21 mile swim across Lake Tahoe, where the sisters grew up. Due to the success of the first fundraiser, the three sisters made it a priority to raise funds each year to help send kids to school. For the past 10 years, Swim for Africa has been able to raise enough funds to continually sponsor children in need. Whether through community events, working extra jobs, or the generosity of friends and family, Swim for Africa has raised funds to be an impactful and strong support for educational growth in the lives of the youth of Athi River, Kenya.
Michelle (the youngest sister) visited the village and saw, first hand, what a difference fundraising was making on the lives of sponsored children after 6 years. The Carter sisters were renewed in their confidence and passion for raising funds in support of their young brothers and sisters in Athi River. As a result, Swim for Africa is continuing to branch out, forming more partnerships, and looking for new long-term sponsorships for the education of specific Athi River youths.

Gentrix Baraza is an amazing woman! Swim for Africa would not be possible without her help. Gentrix and her family are our 'hands and feet' on the ground in Athi River, but even more than this, they are our heart directing aid to those in need. They are giving food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, taking in those who are estranged, clothing those who are naked, and looking after those who are sick.
Gentrix relates to us interdependent concerns of the Athi River community such as economy, safety, weather, food security and nutrition, as well as educational costs and needs. Much like a social worker, Gentrix has a relationship with all the families in her community and she helps us understand the educational and nutritional needs of individual children within. She looks after their progress while supplying us with updates.
Gentrix and her husband, Martin, are a part of Youth With A Mission in Athi River, located just southeast, outside Nairobi, Kenya. Sophia (the oldest sister) visited Athi River in 2009. Click below to watch Sophia's video about the village and the kids from 2010, the year Swim for Africa began.

Whether through community events, working extra jobs, or the generosity of friends and family,
Swim for Africa has raised funds to be an impactful and strong support for educational growth in the lives of the youth of Athi River, Kenya.
Pictured, Three Carter Sisters, from Left to Right: Michelle, Sophia, Tiffany (2016).
Our Partner
Gentrix and her family are our 'hands and feet' on the ground in Athi River, but even more than this, they are our heart directing aid to those in need.
Pictured from Left to Right: Gentrix with two of her four children, Mercy and Phillip, her two oldest (2020).